the basic steps to help you quickly get started.
Create Your First Checklist Template:
1. Log into Your flowdit Account:
Begin by logging into your flowdit account.
2. Navigate to "Checklists":
Head to the "Checklists" section.
3. Click on the "Create Template" Button:
Initiate the template creation process by clicking on the "Create template" button.
4. Customize Your Template:
Rename the default template by clicking the pen icon next to the template name and description fields. You'll find a default template named 'Template' with a timestamp.
5. Define "Inspection" Section:
Scroll down to the "Inspection" section and list its content. Default questions and sections like 'Prepared by,' 'Location,' and more are populated for your convenience.
6. Add and Fill Checklist Content:
Populate your checklist by adding questions, titles, and options. Make it tailored to your needs.
7. Click "Publish" Button:
Once satisfied, hit the "Publish" button to make your template ready for use.
Create an Assignment from Your Checklist Template:
1. Navigate to "Assignments".
2. Head to the "Assignments" section.
3. Click on the "Add Assignment" Button:
4. Start the assignment process by clicking on the "Add Assignment" button.
5. Fill Assignment Details:
Type the assignment title, select the checklist from the list, choose the site, and assign it to a user. Click "Save" to finalise.
View Your Assignment List:
1. Navigate to "Assignments".
2. Go to the "Assignments" section.
3. Review Assignment List:
See a list of assignments with brief information like title, status, etc. Each assignment has actions (edit, delete, etc.) and filters for easy organization.
Congratulations! You've successfully created a checklist template, made an assignment, and can now manage them seamlessly on flowdit. Explore and streamline your workflow effortlessly!