1. Open the app and go to “Todo” at the bottom.
a. You'll see an overview of the tasks scheduled for you.
2. Select an assignment.
a. Make sure to select correctly if multiple assets are associated with an assignment.
3. Go through the checklist accordingly, paying attention to the required questions marked with a red star.
4. You can also select the following options for each question:
a. Issue - Create an issue for problems to follow up on and resolve later.
i. Choose an Issue type and, if available, a subcategory.
ii. Edit title, description, status, type, asset, priority, risk, due date,assign to, labels, media.
iii. Select "Create Issue" at the bottom.
b. Comment - Add a comment as additional information in the report.
c. Media - Attach photos, videos, or other files to the question.
5. When you reach the end of the inspection, tap on "Complete" and confirm with OK.