The Report Settings feature in your flowdit application empowers administrators to configure and customize reports to align with their organization’s branding and privacy requirements. These settings are divided into two main categories:
PDF configuration allows you to personalize the appearance of generated reports, ensuring they reflect your organization's identity. Key options include:
Upload your organization's logo to display prominently on every page of the report.
Supported formats include PNG, JPEG, and SVG.
Recommended dimensions ensure clarity and professional appearance in the final PDF.
Set a custom cover image for your reports to create a strong visual impact.
Ideal for branding or emphasizing the nature of the report.
Supports high-resolution images to maintain quality.
Add a header image to appear at the top of every report page.
Useful for including branding elements such as company name, tagline, or decorative graphics.
Options to align the header image to fit the layout requirements.
These configurations ensure that every report aligns with your organization’s professional standards and branding guidelines.
This section focuses on controlling who can access reports and ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information. Features include:
Grant or restrict access to complete reports through the mobile app.
Administrators can decide whether mobile app users see full report details or summaries only.
Helps balance accessibility with data sensitivity.
Safeguard the identity of individuals who contribute sensitive information to reports.
Automatically anonymize names, contact details, or other identifying information.
Ensures compliance with privacy regulations and fosters trust within your organization.
These settings provide robust controls to manage the distribution and visibility of reports while upholding security and privacy.
Brand Consistency: Customizing the appearance of reports ensures they represent your organization’s identity.
Enhanced Privacy: Protect sensitive information and maintain confidentiality with advanced privacy controls.
Flexible Accessibility: Tailor access permissions to meet the needs of mobile users and protect critical data.
To configure your Report Settings:
Navigate to the Settings menu in your flowdit dashboard.
Select Report Settings from the list.
Customize your PDF configuration and adjust access and privacy settings as needed.
Save changes to apply them immediately.